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A Stellenbosch University Fees Must Fall Herstory

Reflections of a So-Called "Radical Black Intersectional Feminist"

My first double blind peer-reviewed journal article appeared in a special issue on Gender, Politics and the State, edited by Prof. Amanda Gouws. Stellenbosch University

The article is a self-reflection on my participation as a so-called radical black intersectional feminist in the #FeesMustFall movement at Stellenbosch University. It is also an attempt to provide evidence of the double erasures taking place in the mainstream patriarchal narratives about the #FeesMustFall movement. My story bears witness to the fact that queer black womxn were the backbone of the movement and that #FeesMustFall did indeed occur at Stellenbosch University. These constitute the double erasures taking place in terms of what is and can be known about the #FeesMustFall movement. My reflections serve to make a much-needed contribution to the body of knowledge produced about the #FeesMustFall movement.


#Fees Must Fall, intersectionality, black radical feminism, decolonisation, Stellenbosch University, social movements


How to Cite

Kunene, Ashanti. 2018. “A Stellenbosch University #FeesMustFall Herstory: Reflections of a So-Called ‘Radical Black Intersectional Feminist’”. Politeia 37 (2):14 pages.


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