My name is Ashanti.
With divine grace I greet you.
In Zulu, we say Sawubona which means I see you.
In Sanskrit, we say Namaste which means I see the divine in you.
I am a systems change worker focused on the nexus between wealth, technology and consciousness. I believe that true systems transformation requires we deconstruct the dominant narratives we have come to accept as truth, and construct life affirming narratives that support regenerative future societies.
This is the work that excites me :)

Unlearning Principles
Because we have to walk the talk, or simply stop talking.
In Zulu we say, Umuntu umuntu ngabantu. At the heart of this unlearning work lies the Zulu principle that we are all interconnected. By challenging colonial individualism and centering our shared humanity through mutual respect, we can rediscover our shared essence as people.
Spiritual Accountability
Being a "leader" alive in the time of the polycrisis requires that we hold ourselves to a higher standard of being in the world. Unlearning colonial modalities of being means cultivating coherence in order to find alignment between our beliefs, thoughts and actions. Coherent leadership requires personal integrity and spiritual accountability to your purpose.
Open, Honest Communication
By creating dialogical space to engage about the difficult topics, especially when we say we care, we are able to create authentic connections that support lasting transformation. Radical honesty dismantles harmful power dynamics
Love as praxis
This unlearning work requires that "we love each other through our ugly."A commitment to a love ethic transforms our lives by offering us a different set of values to live by. Love is a revolutionary act in a world driven by fear and scarcity. Love is a daily practice of expanding ones spirit to take the other as part of the self. If the other is part of the self, there can be no separation.
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