Unlearning Work
As the founder of Learning 2 Unlearn™, my primary focus is teaching people how to unlearn white supremacy and racism. I help leaders cultivate spiritual coherence so that they can walk their talk. I do this through Unlearning workshops, decolonial dialogues, speaking engagements and individual one-on-one consultations that help leaders understand their privilege and work towards becoming true allies in the workplace. My work is underpinned by an Unlearning Framework I've developed based on the heart, head, hand leadership praxis of accountability. Epistemic freedom is the call to action. Speaking and sharing knowledge that helps us decolonise our minds is the work.
"How we think and how we can be made to think and behave is what is commercially valuable. Because if you can understand and control how we think and feel, you can control what we buy,
what we do and how we vote"
Freedom to Think: The Long Struggle to Liberate Our Minds, Susie Alegre
Narrative Change Work
As part of the strategic narrative change work, the focus is on helping people decondition themselves from the dominant narratives that uphold systemic violence. The stories we tell ourselves about race, class and gender inform our beliefs and shape our individual behaviours and organisational cultures in ways that are often unconscious.. Understanding the stories, means we can change the dominant narratives and changing the dominant narratives mean we can change cultures and systems. I am particularly interested in how we can shift money for people and planet, in the context of the the Great Wealth Transfer. The 2024 Joseph Rowntree Foundation Next Frontiers Conference: Stewarding Wealth for People and Planet is an example of this strategic narrative work. Listen to the podcast and watch the conference sessions here below.
Dialogue Facilitation Work
Two core principles of my work are 1. Open Honest Conversations about difficult things especially when we say we care and 2. Spritual accountability to the work we do. As part of my dialogue facilitation work, I am often in dialogue with some incredible people. These conversations are always in the spirit of having deep conversations about the difficult things we struggle to deal with as people. Dialogical space for issues such as mental health, race, gender, politics etc is important in helping society transform positively. The ability to talk and engage with others openly is a prerequisite for cultural transformation and systems change.
I write and perform poetry. You can watch some of my performances here below.
Art Work
I am also an artist painting under the name IArtShanti. I am a contemporary artist living and working in Cape Town South Africa. I work across themes by exploring the narrative relationships between the black African female identity, sexuality and spiritual pathways for self expression in the context of the polycrisis.